Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fonejacker - DVD

Hello there !

I'm French so sorry if my English isn't that good (:
Here he is ! Mr Doovde ! The first fonejacker's character is right there to present you hilarious real prank calls performed by the fonejacker himself.
I think this "sample" will make you pee in your pants.

Anyway, there are many funny videos on the small left menu. I can guarantee that this man is one of the craziest i've ever met in my life.

My favorites, at this moment, are : all Mr Doovde videos, ISP Man with Phone Contract, Pigeon in your bank account (amazing Georges !) and Circus in "Others" menu with Vishka !
Flatline and ticketline are also awesome, like Mr Miggins is.

Leave some comments if you feel up to.